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The official website for the latest Cinematique Version is
You need to download the cracked version of the software from here.
Then extract it, run the setup.exe file and select Cineon Encoder Pro_v2.70_Build_0006-0516_CRACKED.exe.
Memory leak in kotlin coroutines
I am trying to implement a chat app in kotlin coroutines and I need to store the data in a map.
When I use LiveData like:
val user = LiveData()
I dont need to hold onto the object. But the data is not retained. Is there a memory leak in LiveData?
Is there a way to store the data in the map so that I can retain its data?
Thanks for your comments. It helped me understand how to persist the data so that it survives the CoroutineScope.
I am storing the chat data in a singleton class:
class ChatManager(private val context: Context) {
private val isLogging = true
private val chatData = HashMap()
val chatManagerLiveData: LiveData>
fun sendChatMessage(message: String) {
if (isLogging) Log.d("ChatManager", "Send chat message: $message")
if (message.isBlank()) return
var newMessage = message
var lastMessage = chatData.getOrPut(message) as Any?
if (lastMessage!= null) {
newMessage = lastMessage
lastMessage = lastMessage!! + message
chatData.put(message, lastMessage)
if (message.isBlank()) { be359ba680
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